milk vending machine
Our milk vending machine is located outside the barn and is accessible at all times. Please take an appropriate container with you.
Every second day there is no milk in stock from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. as the dairy collects our milk for further processing. It takes a while until the tank is cleaned and the first cows can (and want to) go milking again.
1 EURO = 1 litre fresh & raw HEY milk

Our HEY milk
We are convinced HEY dairy farmers and deliberately do not use silo feeding.
With our modern hay ventilation system, a very high feed quality can be achieved. According to scientific studies, exclusive hay feeding has a positive effect on the health of the cows and their milk. and their milk.

Cow's paradise
Our 35 cows have a modern free-range barn and a sun terrace with a mountain panorama at their disposal. They can enjoy fresh grass on the pasture as they please. On hot days, the cows can refresh themselves at our self-built cow shower.
In 2015, we invested in a LELY milking robot so that our cows can lead a self-determined life and go for milking as needed. The health and well-being of our animals is very important to us.

Health you can taste
All this promotes the health of the cows and you can taste it in the milk. Our HEY milk has a full-bodied, slightly sweet taste! No comparison with bought supermarket milk from the tetrapack. Moreover, by bringing your own bottles, you save a lot of waste and help the environment.

Milk is good for you!
HEY milk has around twice as high levels of omega of omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) than standard milk. The omega-3 fatty acids are particularly against cardiovascular diseases.
CLA has many positive health effects. They are antioxidant and anticarcinogenic. In addition, hay-milk helps to improve cholesterol levels.